Alpha Sigma Lambda

Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society is a nonprofit organization devoted to the advancement of scholarship and to the recognition of nontraditional students continuing their higher education. The Society was established in 1945-46 to honor superior scholarship and leadership in adult students.
Qualifications for membership
Current student seeking a first bachelor's degree
Minimum overall 3.2 GPA
Age 22 or older, and started your first semester of college at age 21 or over
Completed 24 hours or more at Missouri State University. These college credits may not include transfer credits. All twenty-four credits must be taken through and graded at Missouri State University and must be included in the student’s cumulative GPA.
Interested in joining Alpha Sigma Lambda?
Complete your application online. A one-time fee of $40 gets you a lifetime membership.
Please contact the Chapter Counselor at 417-836-6929 or email for more information.